FS2000 - CFS FW190 A-7 in Gray Camouflage. This is a repaint of
the default CFS FW190a aircraft painted in Gray Camouflage textures
based on the original aircraft. Aircraft belonged to Stab,
II Gruppe, Jagdgeschwader 1, flown by Major Heinz Bär, April 1944.
This file contains an extra skin with Swastika on the tail as flown
on the actual aircraft. This aircraft is from CFS and tested
in FS2000. Uses Fw 190a Panel. It will fly equally well in CFS
and FS2000. All flight surfaces are moveable, retractable landing gear.
Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni.


INSTALLATION: Unzip the file "190agray.ZIP"into your "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FS2000\Aircraft" Folder. Your should end up with a folder named "Fw190a-7 Gray". Under the folder "Fw190a-7 Gray", you will have five folders:

Copy the the file "FW190a.gau" from the folder "GAUGES" shown above, to C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\FS2000\GAUGES. If you have already downloaded/copied the FW190a.gau" file, and installed it in FS2000, the gauges will already be there in the "GAUGES" folder. Explorer will let you know if it already exists. This Acft will use the default Fw190a Panel, which is already in the "PANEL" folder. When selecting this aircraft in FS2000 it will read "Fw190a-7 Gray". If you have any problems with this aircraft, e-mail me at the address below.


INSTALLATION: Unzip the file "190agray.ZIP"into your "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator\Aircraft" Folder. Your should end up with a folder named "Fw190a-7 Gray". Under the folder "Fw190a-7 Gray", you will have five folders:

You can ignore the file "gauges", as the gauge "FW190a.gau" will already be in the CFS "GAUGES" folder. This Acft will use the default Fw190a Panel. You must copy all of the sound files in the default "Fw190a" sound Folder into the "SOUND" folder of your new aircraft "Fw190a-7 Gray/Sound". It will tell you that "SOUND.CFG" already exists, do you want to overwrite it. Select "YES" and copy over the "SOUND.CFG" file. When selecting this aircraft in Combat Flight Simulator it will read "Fw190a-7 Gray". If you have any problems with this aircraft, e-mail me at the address below.

Included is an extra file "fw190_s_Swastika.bmp" in the textures folder. To use this texture, rename the current file fw190_s.bmp to something like "fw190_s.bak". Then rename the file "fw190_s_Swastika.bmp" to "fw190_s.bmp. The next time that the aircraft is selected in FS2000/CFS it will have the Swastika on the tail. I have done this so that no one will be offended by the Swastika on the download picture.

Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-7
Stab, II Gruppe, Jagdgeschwader 1
April 1944
Pilot: Major Heinz Bär

This Aircraft originally had the number 23 in red on the side of the aircraft. I am unable to place the original number on the aircraft dur to the limitations of the Microsoft model. The number 23 would come out backwards on the opposite side of the aircraft. If you can figure out how to do it, let me know, Other than the number 23 missing, the aircraft should be accurate. The Folke Wulf 190a aircraft caused the RAF great problems, Fw 190s being superior in performance to the Spitfires.

All of my C182RG, T-41, Extra 300S and Learjet 45 aircraft can be flown in CFS2 by downloading the CFS DP files created by JEAN-JACQUES PAREL. Several of my aircraft are in military colors and suitable for CFS1. You can search for his files by using the file search function. Search for "Parel" or use the specific file names listed below. You can also search for all of my aircraft under "Bongiovanni" to determine if you want to use any of my Military version aircraft in CFS2

For the C182RG and T-41, download file - JP_DPRG.ZIP
For the Extra 300S, download file - JP_DPEX.ZIP
For the Learjet 45, Download file - JP_DPL45.ZIP

Bob Bongiovanni

NOTES: If you like to fly out of Meigs Airport, you should download the file "Meigs1.zip from SurClaro. You will love how he improved the scenery. Look for quality scenery and tutorials by Andreas Klisch.

If you are looking for excellent quality aircraft, go to "file search" on SurClaro and look for aircraft by "Mike Field" and "Jean-Jacques Parel". You won't be dissapointed. You can search by their name in the file search area.